If your back hurts in the lumbar region: how to treat it and what to do

back pain in men

Most people over the age of 20 have periods of low back pain. The causes of the pathology can be very different. But regardless of the reason why the lower back hurts, it is necessary to conduct treatment. To do this, you should consult your doctor and report back pain. Symptoms may be supplemented by other signs of disease development.

Back pain is divided into primary and secondary. The main symptoms indicate degenerative and dystrophic processes in the spine. Causes of the primary syndrome include spondylolisthesis and osteonecrosis.

The cause of the secondary syndrome can be tuberculosis, scoliosis, vertebral fracture, rheumatoid arthritis and others. The peculiarity of secondary signs is that they can arise even as a result of gynecological diseases.

Important!A qualified specialist should establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

First of all, you need to understand that you can only deal with low back pain with an integrated approach. The use of drugs alone will not be able to completely stop the pathological process. For a full recovery, it is necessary to undergo a course of physical therapy. You can increase the effectiveness of therapy with simple folk methods. Exercise therapy is a prerequisite for treating lower back pain. Back pain treatment is done both at home and in the hospital.

Drug treatment

With severe and constant pain in the back, you can not do without medicine. To relieve pain, specialists may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The analgesic effect can be achieved by taking:

  • medicine;
  • injections;
  • ointment.

Muscle relaxants are included in the drug treatment complex. Medicines of this group help to relieve spasms in the muscles of the lower back, as well as relieve pain.

When treating back pain, doctors must prescribe B vitamins, which have the effect of reducing inflammation of nerve fibers. When taking vitamins, nerve tissues are strengthened.

Note!Drugs belonging to the NSAID group provide effective pain relief, but do not stop the progression of the disease.

Physical therapy

Low back conditions that cause pain must be treated with complex exercise therapies specifically designed for the low back. Gymnastics includes exercises that help to reduce muscle tone, strengthen joints and restore all disturbed metabolic processes in damaged tissues. It is recommended to conduct classes every day. Take a look at a few simple exercises:

  1. In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, lean to the right, bring your left hand above your head, and repeat the tilt in the opposite direction.
  2. In the same position, perform body turns, while the hips should be motionless.
  3. Stand on all fours, arch your back, and lower your head at the same time. Then return to the starting position and repeat a few more times.

The first layers should preferably be performed under the supervision of a specialist to prevent further damage from aggravating the patient's condition. Then you can exercise on your own at home.

Back pain gymnastics

The intensity of the movements should be increased gradually. The two movements must be performed calmly. It is advisable to combine physical therapy exercises with breathing exercises.

Very important!You should not exercise during an exacerbation or when there is severe pain.


Classical massage, which is recommended for many diseases of the spine, has a positive effect on the condition of injured tissues. But the benefits of massage can only be achieved if it is done properly. Therefore, you should not do the massage yourself or trust someone without the appropriate experience.

The wrong actions of masseuses can lead to serious violations. Subject to all the rules of massage technique, the patient's condition will change after several treatment sessions. The result of the massage is the normalization of blood circulation, the absence of spasms and muscle pain.

back pain massage

Important!As with exercise therapy, massage is not recommended during an exacerbation or when there is a strong sensation of pain.

Physical therapy

Consolidation of the results achieved in the fight against low back pain with drugs and other methods is achieved with physiotherapeutic procedures. The main task of physiotherapy is to prevent the development of degenerative (dystrophic) processes in the spine.

The following procedures are most commonly recommended:

  • laser treatment;
  • acupuncture therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • therapeutic ultrasound.

Non-standard physical therapy methods may also be prescribed:

  • thermal process;
  • mud wrap;
  • therapeutic therapy;
  • paraffin application.
Physiotherapy for back pain

Physiotherapy has a number of contraindications. In this regard, do not self-treat without the prescription and permission of a specialist. Full treatment is required.

Attention!Physical therapy methods are decided by the physician observing the patient, not by the patient himself. Physiotherapy at home is dangerous to health.

Alternative medicine dose

Many people with back pain use alternative medicine. This is not to say that all methods are effective and safe, however, there are treatments that actually provide positive results.

Some experts recommend that patients undergo manual procedures and acupuncture. These methods are recognized by mainstream medicine. Therapy must be performed by a qualified and experienced physician.

The acupuncture procedure involves acting on nerve fibers and muscles using special needles. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat back pain. Acupuncture can be combined with medication or exposure to a magnetic field (laser).

Manual therapy for back pain

Manual therapy is no less popular for the elimination of pathological processes in the spine. The peculiarity of the procedures is that all actions are performed by the hands of a therapist trained in special techniques. Chiropractors can correct even misaligned vertebrae or nerve fiber compression. The result of manual therapy is a quick and complete restoration of spinal functions and the elimination of pain.

Important!The method of taking alternative medicine has many potential risks, so it is important to ensure that there are no contraindications and to be qualified.

Folk recipes

Healing by folk methods is no less popular than medical therapy. But not many people know how to cure low back pain at home. There are many recipes, but not all are effective.

To reduce pain and inflammation, it is necessary to use products from plants and animals with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Chestnut Ointment

A positive effect is given by an ointment prepared with the addition of horse chestnut. To make the ointment you need:

  • ground chestnuts (100 gr);
  • vegetable fat (100 gr);
  • camphor oil (10 ml).
chestnut ointment for back pain relief

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the lower back. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day until the painful sensations disappear.

Rub with three fragrances

To deal with back pain, you can massage, which is prepared with the addition of triple perfume. To perform the scrub you need:

  • perfume;
  • a vial of iodine;
  • valerian tincture;
  • dried red chili.

All these components are combined and emphasized for three days, after which the lower back is rubbed with the resulting mixture. It is better to do the procedure at night.

Important!Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you must make sure that there are no contraindications.

Treatment of spinal diseases is much more difficult than prevention. With adherence to spine disease prevention measures and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, low back pain may not occur at least until old age.

pain in lower back